
Friday, August 3, 2012

Egg & Cheese Breakfast Sandwiches: Freezer Friendly!

Hello August!  Where did July go?  In honor of "Back to School" month, here is a quick, easy, and freezer friendly breakfast option for those busy mornings.

I've mentioned that I'm on a quest for better, quicker, healthier breakfasts.  I found this one and have been meaning to try it for quite some time.  I fiiiinnnnaaalllllly made time this week and boy, they didn't disappoint!  These little egg (and anything else you want to put in them :) cups are made in the oven in muffin tins.  It does make a little bit of a mess, but it makes mornings SO much easier - it's worth it!

Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwiches - from this site and this site

12 eggs, scrambled
desired mix-ins (I did baby spinach, diced red peppers, and diced onions)
shredded cheese
12 english muffins, split

1) Prepare mix-ins (if desired).

2) Butter muffin tins.  I found that it was easier to just break off a little piece of butter and smoosh it around in the tin.  The original author makes kinda a big stink about the only way to get the eggs not to stick is to butter the tins.  So that's what I did.  And the egg STILL stuck.  Boo.  This is the 'mess' I reference in the opening.  Maybe I didn't butter it enough?  It seemed that the tins that had the spinach were where the eggs stuck the most.  Oh well... still worth it!

3) Brake 12 eggs in a large bowl.  Add a little bit of water (a few tablespoons).  Then scramble.

4) Prepare the tins.  I did 3 different types of eggs:  plain (for Little One), pepper & onion (for DH), and spinach, pepper & onion (for me!).  Then use a small bowl - I found this was the easiest - to fill each muffin tin about 3/4 the way full with the scrambled egg.

5) Bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 22 minutes (I cooked mine for 21 and they were perfect).  Check them to make sure the centers are cooked through - I used a knife and looked for clean removal.  Remove eggs from the tin.  I found that it was easier to let them cool a few minutes so I could handle the pan, then I ran a knife around the edge, and used a tablespoon to scoop out the egg muffin.

See, they did make a mess. Boo.  A little elbow grease will do ya.

7)  Eat as is or make into a sandwich!  For a few mornings we ate them straight out of the refrigerator but I will freeze the rest.  

To Assemble: 
- Toast split english muffin
- Meanwhile, microwave the refrigerated egg for 30 seconds
- Add shredded cheese to english muffin, top with egg, put english muffin together and microwave for additional 15 seconds to melt the cheese.
- Enjoy!!

Now, you have several options for freezing these babies:
Option 1) Freeze whole sandwiches:  Assemble, freeze individually on a sheet pan for a few hours, wrap individual sandwiches in foil and store all sandwiches in a freezer safe bag.  

Option 2) Freeze eggs:  Freeze individual egg muffins on a plate lined with parchment (or some other easy to remove paper) for a few hours, wrap individual eggs in foil and store all eggs in a freezer safe bag.  <--- This is probably the option I will choose because I don't have a ton of space in the freezer!

Reheating the Sandwiches
Option 1) Frozen whole sandwich:
Unwrap the sandwich and rewrap in a paper towel.  Microwave on 30% power for 90 seconds.  Flip sandwich over.  Microwave on high for 1 minute or until heated through.  (Disclaimer: These are the directions on the boxed microwave sandwiches we get - I've tried them on a few other frozen things I've done and it's worked, although I have never tried it on these sandwiches.)
- OR - 
Toss the frozen sandwich (still wrapped in foil) in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. 

Option 2) Frozen egg:
Unwrap the egg and microwave on high for about 90 - 120 seconds.  Toast english muffin.  Assemble sandwich.


The Verdict
These were a gagillion times better than any frozen sandwich we have ever had.  And I'm sure a lot healthier too!  The mix-ins were fun and allowed us to have several options.  Surprisingly, Little One enjoyed my "supreme" ones the best.  Ah-hem. He's my son :D  The options are really endless here, as they are with so many of my recipes.  We made BLTs last night and rest assured some of that bacon is going to end up in the next batch of these babies!  They were sooooo easy to make and I'm all about any breakfast that I can make a night for the next morning (or the next TWELVE MORNINGS!!!!!!!!) Yeah baby!  Hope you enjoy these as much as we did :)

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