
Friday, January 17, 2014

Turkey and Cheese Bread Bowls

I saw this on Pinterest and decided it was a good idea for my "mixing' up lunches" New Year's goal.  I put off making them because it looked a little labor intensive but my bread was going to go bad so I had to do it TODAY.  Surprisingly the kids played well while I worked on these and honestly, it didn't take as long as I thought.  By played well I mean J pulled out all Tupperware and every pot and pan I own...but hey I got lunch ready! I think maybe total prep time was 15 minutes and then they had to bake for 20.

The verdict? Very happy kids at lunch. E ate ALL of hers and then ate the last bit of J's that he couldn't finish.  The only negative - they are a bit messy and some floor cleaning was in order after lunch. Still, it was a healthy and filling and now I have 4 more in the fridge ready for the weekend.

Here is what you need (I cut my recipe in half from the original, I knew we wouldn't need that many):
1.  6 dinner rolls
2.  1 lb ground turkey
3.  half of medium onion
4.  1 can cream of mushroom soup (I used low sodium)
5.  1 cup sharp cheddar cheese

Here is what you do:
1.  Preheat oven to 350 (or wait if you are going to bake them later)
2.  Brown the ground turkey and the onion together

3.  Cut the tops off of the rolls, take out the insides, and set aside the tops for later use 

4. Once the turkey is brown, add in the cheese and cream of mushroom soup and stir
5.  Put the turkey mixture in the rolls, replace the lid

6. Wrap each roll individually in aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes


Also in way of exciting news!  Our next challenge is approaching and I'm super excited. These 10 days are so focused and so fun. We work hard to really get results and to also really discover the balance we need in fitness and health. Join me!  Message below and I'll get in touch with you.

original recipe here:

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