
Monday, September 10, 2012

Sweet Potato Fries: Part I

I am loving this weather lately... well, minus all the rain we've been having!  But it does seem like after the rain it cools things off nicely and gives us a tease of what those cool autumn days are really going to be like.  I can't believe Saturday this week marks the halfway point through September.  I mean, really, where is this year going?!? I don't know about you, but I am longing to pull on my first pair of jeans of the season and a nice cozy sweater.  Mmmm... I can't wait.  At the first peek of cooler weather a few weeks ago, I purchased some organic sweet potatoes at the grocery store. I've been wanting to try something with them besides the same ole mashed sweet potatoes.  Thursday, I spent quite a bit of time googling "sweet potato fries" and my mouth drooled over all the options.

These babies were my first attempt and delicious!  Follow along below :)

Baked Sweet Potato Fries - inspiration from here 

Ingredients: Don't blink or you'll miss it!

Sweet potatoes, Olive Oil, Spices

(I used sugar and cinnamon)

I washed the whole bag of sweet potatoes, but ended up just using half of them because I didn't want to throw all my eggs in one basket, or so to say ;)  I wanted to try some later with some savory spices.  Pat the potatoes dry.

Cut the sweet potatoes into "fry" shapes.  This was a bear.  Next time I'm just cutting disks!  I'm thankful I still have all my digits - haha!  Let's just say it pays to have a reeeealllly sharp knife.  I left the skin on to add to the nutrition level.  (After they were cooked, I found out that the thicker fries didn't get as done and crispy as the skinnier ones.  Next time I will definitely try to cut them all a little more the same size... and a little thinner.)

In a bowl, combine the sliced potatoes, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon (approximately) cinnamon.  Toss to coat and combine.

Place on a foil lined baking sheet and cook at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes.  Flip the potatoes and continue cooking an additional 20-25 minutes.  I cooked mine 25 minutes each time.


The reason I made this version of the sweet potato fries is because I needed something that would cook in a 375 degree oven with my melt-in-your-mouth chicken I was also making for dinner.  They ended up crispy and delectably sweet and cinnamon-y.  Mmm. 
Steamed cabbage, melt-in-your-mouth chicken, and sweet potato fries.
The perfect dinner.

The Verdict
These were easy and turned out delicious! I will definitely make these again.  LIttle One enjoyed a few bites of these which is always good.  He doesn't like mashed potatoes so I was excited that he liked these.  Keeping the skin on gave the potatoes a little bite at the end.  I ate 5 while I was waiting on the cabbage to steam.  A little bit addictive to say the least ;)  The next go round, I'm going to try one of the recipes I found that bakes them at a higher temperature for a shorter amount of time and I'm going to try some cumin to give them a smokey flavor.  Hope you enjoy these little gems!

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