
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Super excited!

Another awesome part of the walk last night... checking the mailbox to find the mailman had delivered my new find on Amazon.  Super excited.  This lady did crockpot exclusive cooking for 365 days.  I remember seeing her on Rachel Ray when she was knee deep in the process.  I've since rediscovered her website and now her book.  I'm excited to try out her process for an organized life.  Anyone who knows me knows this is what I need.  Blerg.  House cleaning is no fun.  So far, in the few pages I've read, her motto is "Clean less.  Play more."  Her philosophy is to have the house 'guest-ready' in 30 minutes by cleaning and organizing a little bit along the way.  Have I mentioned I'm excited?!  This is where the calendar of breakfasts, lunchs, dinners, and snacks came from.  Oh yeah! I'll keep you posted.
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