
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Broiled Grapefruit Dessert

These are easy peasy to make and delicious to eat!  Broiled grapefruit are all over the internet these days it seems.  A quick google or pinterest search will yield lots of different recipes.   Bottom line is, these make for a great and healthy, light summer dessert.  I was surprised at how sweet the tangy grapefruit became when broiled in the oven for a few short minutes.  Try it today and let me know what you think!

Broiled Grapefruit

1 grapefruit
1 tsp brown sugar
dash of cinnamon (I used pumpkin pie spice)

1) Cut grapefruit in half.  If they don't sit level, trim a little off the bottom rind.  Top with brown sugar and cinnamon.

2) Stick it under the broiler (set on high) for 3 minutes, or longer if you want a darker caramelized crust.  Just keep a close eye on it!  The broiler makes me nervous! Haha!  These pictured were under for 3 minutes.

3)  Let cool slightly and serve with dinner.  In this case, some fajitas!

The Verdict
I loved these!  DH wasn't sold quite so much.  But I was pleasantly surprised at how sweet the bitter grapefruit became.  I thought it would be weird to have a warm citrus, but it really made this feel like a fancy dessert.  The only problem was we couldn't figure out how to eat it!  DH tried to dig it out with a regular spoon.  I, on the other hand, gave up and picked mine up, ripped the peel off, and ate it as-is with lots of grapefruit juice dripping everywhere!  I'd definitely suggest a grapefruit spoon.  Can you tell we're not big grapefruit eaters? ;)  Let this new and inventive way to eat a grapefruit make its way to your dinner table tonight!

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